… it is not, but it’s close enough to put a grin on my face. 🙂
Spent a good bit of time working on the bar this weekend. Parts of 3.5 days equals all the back and side cabinets are stained waiting a coat of poly. Also, all three legs of the bar top are cut and glued!
The plan to get the middle leg of the bar to fit worked out really well. I worked on the end sections first, got them cut and glued and dried to act as their own templates. I then set them on top of the rough middle section with scrap along both lengths to get them level. At that point it was simple as scribe and cut! Lining up the miter blade for 16 precision unique cuts was a pain, and in hindsight I should have done the same thing as I did on the ends which was glue 2-3 rows together so I only had 3-4 ‘rows’ to cut instead of 8, but oh well. In the end I have only one annoying gap but it wasn’t enough to make me want to redo that board. It’s not any worse than some hardwood floors I’ve seen. 🙂
The cabinets stained up rather well, though I’m a little irked at the trees they apparently used from opposite ends of the planet because a couple of edge pieces on doors and a couple of drawer fronts just stick out compared to their neighbors, perhaps with better room lighting it’ll smooth the differences out if a 2nd coat doesnt help.
Oh, and while Harbor Freight clamps are economical, they blow ass. They do have a lifetime warranty, which I’ve used on one, but said replacement broke the first time I pulled the trigger tonight. A couple others wont really hold very tight either. I also broke the handle on my miter saw from there, but that probably had something to do with me knocking it off the workbench slap onto it’s head.
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