Nightlights for nightlife
Discovery has shark week, I have birthday week! Work is put aside, sanity is regained, and most importantly chores around the house are caught up on! I truly believe if I hit the mega millions and quit my job I’d be busy every day for the rest of my life because after a week off I still have 10,000 things on the chore list! 🙂
Cashed in another stack of points on the credit card and got some more Lowe’s cash. This week I finished hanging all the lights over the bar and one corners worth of spots. I still have two tracks sitting ready to hang on another corner and the long side wall behind the bar which hopefully will help the dark void back there now. I must say I was concerned with how much light is lost with the globes on but with all 6 hung (360 watts of light… !!) it’s got the mood of a very relaxing place to shoot the bull with great friends over frosty beverages. Unfortunately the pics don’t quite do it the level of justice seeing it in person does. New Years I say, New Years!
The globes are from lowes, #274388 “Jupiter Blaze” and they have a great dark red swirl pattern. The bar (which was also re-sanded and stained this week) has enough direct light through the bottom of them to wash over the top just right.
On with the photo lovin!
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